Thursday, October 30

Fall Classic Ful-Philment

As reluctant as I am to admit it, I truly am a Royals fan at heart. However I do have a National League team that I also follow. Since the retirement of Bagwell and Biggio from the Houston Astros (my former NL team), I have become a Philly Phanatic. I was so stoked for them to go to the playoffs. After showing the critics and nay-sayers that they were for real, they held their trophy aloft for all the world to see. The last time Philadelphia won the World Series was in 1980 against the Royals nonetheless. Congrats to you, Philadelphia!

Kansas City, its your turn. Let's get back to that early-80s kind of dominance. My 09 MLB predictions: KC Royals over the LA Dodgers in a sweep!! ...we'll see :)

Wednesday, October 29

Blue York, New York

Was recently in NYC, The Big Apple, and had the privilege of getting to see the very tremendous Blue Man Group (BMG)! An amazing amazing show. Worth every penny (of which I will be paying you back soon Aubrey, I promise!). Prior to the show I was chosen by a BMG staff member to be a part of the act. So on my cue, (the second time a BM appeared in the balcony) I was taken by the hand, led up on stage, blue paint dabbed on my face, dressed into a white suit then led backstage.

The rest shall never be known by the public, just know that when I came back out on stage my head was in a jello mold. It was such a fun night!

Sunday, October 12


Perhaps the most ridiculous mode of transportation on the entire planet landed in The Little Apple this weekend: The Oscar Meyer Wienermobile.

In all her glory

In case you didn't know what it was...

Inside shot

It is kind of silly how exited I was to see this thing. But seriously, its not every day you get to see such a celebrated vehicle. And of course I had to sing the jingle to get the whistle, but it was well worth it.

Monday, October 6

Facebook weening

Yes. I am giving up on the ultimate sucker of time this universe has ever seen: facebook for the month of October (maybe longer).
It has its pros: Its good to keep in contact with people you haven't seen since high school and its good for inviting others to events, etc.
I feel that those are outweighed by the cons: waste of time, feel like a stalker, feel that people subtlety put pictures or things on there to make them appear better than they actually are, new format sucks, I'm no longer in high school, etc.

So, if you would like to contact me for the month of October (and maybe longer) please contact me an old fashioned way of your choice:
    call or text: 316-207-3286

    letter or in person! 1729 Laramie #C, Manhattan KS 66502

    smoke signals, (not, that would just be a waste of your time)

    plane with banner waving from its tail

    birthday cake

    or any other means of communication not listed and not involving f-book.

In the meantime I will be looking forward to 'new' forms of communication from you all as well as working on growing my 'Octo-beard' as practice for 'No Shave November'.

I leave you with this:
Gang Sines