Monday, April 27

Weekend Wrap-up

Went home this weekend to Justin's wedding:

Two babies at the reception:

Had to go with Paige to this place:

(Check out their sweet logo!)

She tried on bridesmaid dresses, I kept myself entertained:

Friday, April 24

MuteMath - 'Spotlight' Vid

MUTEMATH - Spotlight

MuteMath is my favorite band of all time. I have seen them in concert more than anyone else. Even saw them in NYC when I was there. They flat out ROCK.
This is their latest and greatest music video to their song "Spotlight", not quite as revolutionary as their all-backwards "Typical" video, but not easy to make a song look like its being sung in real time while the tape is in fast-forward. Enjoy!

Soggy Waffles - Lunch with Ninjas

Thursday, April 23

Weirdest Commercial EVER. Period.

Caution: If you are not on drugs when you are watching this video, you're going to wish you were:

Brought to you via: PictureIsUnrelated


Soggy Waffles - Up A Creek

Yeah, I've felt like this before

Monday, April 20


This is my feeble attempt at an omelet for Sunday brunch:

Thanks to Paige for the new skillet! -Looks like Heck, tastes like Heaven...well, Purgatory at least.

Sunday, April 19

Soggy Waffles - Rhymes


Next to HBO's Band of Brothers (seriously, can a Hanks/Howard co-production EVER be beat?), my favorite series on television has to be the Planet Earth series by Discovery.
They spent over 10 years gathering footage and filming some of the most magnificent and never-before-seen animal behaviors. Incredible footage.
In leu of the over-used 'going green' campaigning, Disney has jumped on board and will be showing a 1 day only event called "Earth" at select movie theaters on April 22, Earth Day. This movie will follow 3 animal families over the course of their season and all of their struggles and triumphs.

This is the beginning of a series called 'Disney Nature'. I imagine that it will be pretty cheesy since its geared towards kids, but I don't mind. I mean, its narrated by James Earl Jones - can't get much better than "The Voice" can it? Fortunately Seth Childs is showing the film and I'll be there at the 9:30 showing - join me if you'd like!

Saturday, April 18

Gourmet Heart Attack

As Americans we apparently love to combine foods that are delicious and fattening just by them selves with other foods that are also delicious and artery clogging. Most of the time these 2 things should never ever be combined.
Items that come to mind are:
*Krispy Kreme burger

- this replaces the buns of an already unhealthy burger made at some grease-pit probably called "Frank's Middle-of-nowhere Diner" next to a Waffle House and served on a plate that was once broken but has recently been duct-taped back to perfection by a toothless waitress named Flo, with 2 deep fried and mouth-watering, glazed Krispy Kreme donuts. Could you have chosen anything more fattening? Maybe next time just slap two 1/2 lb batter dipped ham haunches on and call it a day.

* Macaroni and Cheese Pizza. Two childhood favorites. Although Mac&Chez isn't totally unhealthy adding it to a baked crust and drenching it in mozzarella cheese can't be that friendly on the ol bowel system. At least its not a combo of other childhood faves: chicken nugget cereal, hot fudge hot dog sundaes, or Peanut Butter and Jell-o sandwiches (cut diagonally of course).

But the latest of these has to be the gourmet chocolate made by Vosges. It combines 2 of America's favorite fattening items: Chocolate and Bacon.

Dentists everywhere must be rejoicing! C'mon America! Seriously? Chocolate and BACON?! The only thing that could make it more white trash is deep-frying it and having ranch dressing to drench it in. This doesn't evens sound good to me. Makes me shudder and my arteries cry out in distress begging me not to intake this mess. Well don't worry fellas, I will not be ingesting this fondue hog any time soon.

Have any thing to add to this list of unnecessarily gross food combos?

Thursday, April 16

Rant - Baby Names

Ok, this has bothered me for quite some time now and I have to let it out: Baby Names.

This does not revolve around people who name their kids off the wall names like Scout, Shauntrellutaun, Chaqueffa, Moonbeam, or Rodney. No. I'm talking about when people name their child something so that they can call them a nickname of that name.

Example time: Naming a girl Elanor so that you can call her "Elle". Here's a bright idea, just name her Elle. If that is what you want to call her, then name her that!

I don't mind people naming their child something like Charles and calling him Chuck, Charlie, or Chaz. But by all means don't name him Charles so that you can call him Chuckie - just name him Chuckie. Deal?

Example time 2: My brother's name is Samuel. Everyone calls him Sam. My parents named him Samuel, but not with the intention of calling him Sam, Sammy, Shlamenskee, Samantha, or Goober. Although all of these names are used for him, this is not why he was named Samuel.

I do understand naming a child something that gives them the option to go by a shortened version when they are older (Gregory -> Greg, James -> Jim, Michael -> Mike) rather than giving them a fixed name (Ryan, Brent, Jason, or Scott). This makes sense to me.

However, I just do not understand this logic (or lack of) when naming a child. If the opportunity presents itself to call your child a certain nickname then feel free to take it, but please do not name your child a name so that you can call them by a nickname of that name.

ALSO: What's up with naming kids old people names? Why are Emma, Elanor, Josephine, William, Evelyn and Velma so popular? You are just asking for your kid to be a 90 year old in a 3 year old's body.

Wednesday, April 15

Forever Proud Logo

A working logo for a young alumni group on campus known as "Forever Proud" - not to be confused with the already established "Wildcats Forever" or "K-State Proud"

Tuesday, April 14

Soggy Waffles - Santa?

(This is assuming, of course, that you have snow on your roof 365 days a year)

Sunday, April 12

Soggy Waffles - Chopsticks

I've been wanting to show these to the world - so now I am! Drumroll please (Drrrrrrrrrrr) introducing my new cartoon sketches currently known as Soggy Waffles!
I present to you the first of many installments. Hopefully this gives you some insight into this wild noggin of mine.

Let me know what you think! Drop off suggestions, new name ideas, better taglines, improvements, etc.

(Inspired by comic Demetri Martin and Toothpaste for Dinner.)

Saturday, April 11

Hatch Show Print

Long story short, I would like an internship at Hatch Show Print in Nashville more than anything this summer.
It is the sort of place that holds many of the same values that I hold. It is also rich in its 130+ year history of using the old-fashioned get-your-hands-dirty way of designing. They still use old wooden blocks of type for printing that give each of their posters that allow for such a unique and personal quality that cannot be replicated with any technology today.

I am sending in my application this coming week, but first I had to send this thank you letter to Jim Sherraden, for his talk in Dallas and his impact on my design. He has influence me more than he will ever know. Wish me luck on an internship opportunity!!

Tuesday, April 7

The Blonde Dame

A melodramatic re-telling of an un-melodramatic affair.
It was your typical warm, windy day on the Western Kansas plains. I myself was westbound on a two-lane road. An appointment. I was headed to an appointment, at least this is what I recall. Like I mentioned before, it was a windy day.
I was nearing the appointment's rendezvous locale, when she appeared on the horizon. The dame was along the left side of the road. She was currently unoccupied so I decided to roll the dice and take my chances. I got out of the vehicle and approached her. The dame's blonde hair was like a magnet that drew me closer, closer, closer. I couldn't believe believe her hair. It seemed to go on forever. I stood in amazement. The wind picked up and ruffled her locks a bit which startled me, but I remained planted in wonder.
I don't recall much that happened after that. I do remember calling out to this random Rapunzel, but my frail voice getting lost amidst the breeze and her long strands. I found myself driving away, still staring at her in my rear view mirror. Grateful that I stopped, but ungrateful for how I exposed my heart to no avail, like a red balloon drifting off in the wind above the trees and towards the sun. The dame stole my heart and my soul. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't think about that day from time to time. That woman. Her hair. Her gorgeous blonde hair that went on for miles.

Saturday, April 4


This show in Dallas has been great!

I've been able to meet a lot of really fascinating people as well as hear some interesting speakers. I think my favorite speaker is actually the very first one that I heard, Stefan Mumaw. He has a book out called: "Caffeine for the Creative Mind" and its full of fun little 10-15 minute tasks that really do a great job of getting your mind working in the morning.
I have had the opportunity to network to people in Dallas, Houston, Truman State U, South Dakota State U, Fort Hays, and Oklahoma U.

Overall, a very fun trip. So glad I came...although, not so ready to get back into the swing of things on Monday :(

More to come!

Thursday, April 2

New Website!

I have a new website up:

leave me comments on what you think about it/ any improvements