Sunday, April 12

Soggy Waffles - Chopsticks

I've been wanting to show these to the world - so now I am! Drumroll please (Drrrrrrrrrrr) introducing my new cartoon sketches currently known as Soggy Waffles!
I present to you the first of many installments. Hopefully this gives you some insight into this wild noggin of mine.

Let me know what you think! Drop off suggestions, new name ideas, better taglines, improvements, etc.

(Inspired by comic Demetri Martin and Toothpaste for Dinner.)

1 comment:

Matt Davidson said...

um yea, I'm gonna disagree with this one. I still have no idea how chopsticks exist after the invention of the fork.

It's like preferring a collection of outdated VHS tapes when Bluray is available.